Un desert delicios pentru perioada postului. Ai nevoie de urmatoarele ingrediente:
Pentru aluat:
90 g margarina
90 g iaurt din soia
o lingura zahar
150 g faina
Pentru umplutura:
gem, dupa gust
Pentru servit:
zahar pudra
1. Intr-un vas se amesteca margarina la temperatura camerei, iaurtul bine scurs de apa si zaharul.
2. Se adauga faina, se amesteca si se framanta pe masa de lucru presarata putin cu faina.
3. Aluatul se imparte in bile mai mici care se intind in foi. Se taie apoi in triunghiuri.
4. Pentru a forma cornulete, se unge cu gem fiecare triunghi, se ruleaza si se asaza in tava tapetata cu hartie. Se coc 15 minute.
5. Se servesc cu zahar pudra pe deasupra.
Mark Carney, the former governor of the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England, has emerged victorious in the… Read More
The Royal Family is reportedly prepared to strip Prince Harry and Meghan of their Sussex titles if they continue to… Read More
Pauline Potter’s Incredible Journey: From World’s Heaviest Woman to a Life-Changing Transformation In an astonishing turn of events, Pauline Potter… Read More
I’m confident you’ll agree that there’s nothing more refreshing than a cool, ice-cold glass of water. Yet, despite this, many… Read More
I remember that day so vividly. I was on the bus, heading to buy my dream pink dress—the one that… Read More
If you’ve experienced vision problems or cataracts, you might be surprised to discover that nature provides a potent remedy. Pennyroyal… Read More