Can you spot the fish in between all of these squids?
The internet loves looking for things in pictures Where’s Waldo-style. There’s just something about having to stare at a picture for a long time before you finally see the light.…
Pretty much impossible: can you spot the hidden bird in between the Christmas trees?
December is in full swing and it’s almost Christmas! We can hardly wait until that day is finally here, but we have to admit that all the hassle around it…
Follow these tips if you want your washing machine to last much longer
These days, it’s difficult to imagine a household without a washing machine. You throw your clothes in the drum, add some detergent, turn it on and your clothes will come…
Your fingers can tell you a lot about your personality. What kind of fingers do you have?
Research is done all the time and most of it goes straight by us, but sometimes we come across some results that are too interesting not to share. It can…
Pink baby elephant born with albinism thrives in the wild against all odds
A baby elephant born with albinism has been thriving in the wild despite battling problems caused by its skin pigmentation. The rare calf was born in April this year in…
‘Saved by the Bell’ Cast: Where Are They Now?
From 1989 to 1993, Saved by the Bell made Saturday mornings must-watch TV. Up to that point, cartoons dominated the airwaves, which didn’t sit well with the tweens and teens…
Sorici in saramura cu usturoi: O delicatesă ce se topește în gură
Ți se topește în gură.Iată cum se prepară această delicatesă Se pregăteşte şoriciul, se spală, se curăță de păr. Se taie fâşii apoi, cu dimensiunile dorite. Se rulează, eventual se…
Piftie. Cum faci o piftie delicioasă pentru Craciun sau Revelion
Când vin sărbătorile de iarnă doamnele încep să pregătească tot felul de bunătăți. Printre acestea se află și piftia noastră tradițională. Piftia nu este un preparat greu de gătit, dar…
Nici nu zici ca nu-i cu carne – Varza la cuptor aromata
Maicutele de la Manastirea Prislop te invata cum sa prepari cea mai buna varza dulce la cuptor, o reteta numai buna in zilele de post. Ingrediente pentru varza dulce la…
Fara oua sau unt poti face un desert moale, pufos si delicios – Rețetă de Chec de post
Cel mai simplu chec de post are la baza doar cateva ingrediente. Vei vedea ca si fara oua sau unt poti face un desert moale, pufos si delicios. Aveți nevoie…